Thursday, February 28, 2013

French Food

How I miss French food... Well... I miss most of it. The baguettes, the éclairs, the "mille-feuilles". They don't have any pie though. My favorite part of the French food system is the fact that there are "boulangeries" (bread shops) everywhere.
(The black dots are boulangeries)
The fact that it is possible to visit the bakery to buy bread establishes a connection between us. I became the favorite customer of most of the boulangeries. Right before I moved I saw the cashier search around for the best baguette!!  Another great part of the French food are the markets. You can stroll down the street, looking at the different fish, vegetables, trinkets... Once, a week or so before we left, I found an octopus. Hop-la-la we bought it, cooked it, and ate it (the power of internet cookbooks!!!). IT WAS DELICIOUS!
But Parisian food is not always what most people think of it as. There is also the disgusting, vile, rotten side that some people are forced to eat. This side has a name. It is called the Cantine. The thing about this vile place is that it is unavoidable. You have to eat there. HAVE TO!(Unless you have an allergy like I do that permits me to bring in my own sandwich.) Every single day it has a new revolting treat for teachers and students alike. The students there have a running joke: Normally French people enjoy blue steak. Here they have green steak. Really. Truly. There is GREEN STEAK! 
As well as that, there are many other disgusting foods: Yellow slimy salad,  bread as hard as a rock, rotten grapefruit... The other people told me that the only good meal was the Friday before Noël. That steak had mold on it too.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Saturday, February 23, 2013


I just got home from France!

Yaaay I get to see my brother, Nicholas. Although Nicholas is a pretty boring name. Lets call him Pie-man instead. Pie-man is much more interesting: it has punctuation in it. Of course life isn't as perfect as "Yaaay I get to see Pie-man." It always has its bad sides. I get to see Pie-man and my dad. But also i have to leave my best friends from school. But there is a solution to every problem. And that is a fact. For example, if you bake a pie for a party, and it turns out to be a bust, there is a solution. You give the pie to your brother, he eats the pie, you're contented, and you run over to stop&shop and you buy a cheap pie. Everyone is contented, especially Pie-man. In this case, the solution is that I get to Skype my friends/chat with them. The same thing happens; everyone is happy. But is it possible that some problems don't have any answers. Well there is the problem pi = ? which doesn't really count because it isn't a life problem.
A life problem that is unsolvable is "Oh no! Pie-man just turned into pie!". Luckily that is never going to happen so we don't have to worry about unsolvable problems; there will always be a solution.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


It rained today in Paris

Yaaaay finally!!! most people would think "Another rain filled day that is positively dreary and wet." But I don't. Paris weather is so flabbergasting. When it's sunny your back gets hot and you feel squirmy... no good. When it's  cloudy you feel depressed and think that the rest of your life is going to be stuck under a enormous gray, dreary, disgusting cloud. And then when you're feeling a bit under the cloud (tee hee get the pun? No? Okay I'll stop.), rain strikes, and suddenly you feel that all that miserableness you endured - no, my jokes are not miserable -  don't matter anymore and you feel free and happy. All of the pollution has been washed away and the sky seems clear. You take a breath and for once you feel positively blissful. You feel as though not just the earth has been washed, but your soul as well. Your misfortunes seem to be in another universe, so far away that not even the TARDIS could reach it. Wow. Just WOW.

You know the rule: every good thing has a bad side, a "cloudy side of the force" if you will (I just don't stop do I?) The bad side is that the water from the rain hides what you're walking in in the street. For example, one day I was walking home from school and I saw a puddle on the sidewalk. I ran up and splashed in it. Suddenly I realized that it hadn't rained for a couple of weeks. What had I just jumped in? I then saw a thin yellow stream running down from a splatter on the wall. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
That is what the rain hides.

Is the rain for you overall a good thing or a bad thing? Leave a comment to answer in the comment section. Please? For pies sake?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Friend or Foe

Is a person who is nice when you meet them really always a nice person? Is the moon always made out of pie? You have to be careful of first impressions. They are generally misleading. For example, if you meet a person for the first time in school, and that person is really happy and bubbly and nice. This situation could go two ways
1) You and that person have the same type of mind and think alike: you are happily BFFs for life
2)You and that person have different views(ie:It likes soccer and you like hacking in to NASA's most secure database.)This could go three ways

1)It could be nice and just drift away and you could still be distant friends
2)It could be really nice and just judge you by the nice person you are and be BFFs for life
3)It could show its truly not so nice person underneath and get (what seems like) the entire world to team up on you an destroy your happiness. When this happens it becomes a bully, it might go so far as to beat you up on the courtyard (physically or mentally.)
This "first impression" thing applies for every type of person nice or mean you can never trust your first impressions.
For example, the first time is saw a piece of pie I was revolted by it. It was purple and sticky and gross, but I tried it and I fell in love


And then again generally when at first a person is a bully to you: YOU MUST KILL IT BEFORE IT LAYS EGGS!!!!!!!!!!(and it will probably be a bully to you for ever) DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CHICKEN 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

my mathamobober

Les Nombres Fibonacci

   Les Nombres Fibonacci sont des nombres que l’on trouve partout, même dans les plantes!
Les Nombres Fibonacci sont trouvés en commençant par le calcul 0+1=1 et en continuant avec les calculs suivants : 1+1=2 ;1+2=3 ;2+3=5 ;3+5=8; 5+8=13; 8+13=21 ;13+21=34... On calcule les nombres Fibonacci en prenant le premier numero (ex :0) et le deuxieme numero (ex: 1) et trouver la somme de ce calcul (ici, 1).Ensuite, trouvez la somme de 1 et 1 qui est égal à 2. Et continuez ainsi de suite avec 1+2=3 et  2+3=5 etc. On peut trouver avec ce serie le “rectangle parfait” (voir fig.)
La serie fibonacci était utilisée en premier par les Indiens. Quand ceux-ci parlaient Sanskrit, le nombres des syllabes court et les syllabes long était liée avec la série.Dans l'ouest ,le mathematician Léonard de Pisa (Fibonacci) a écrit son livre “Liber Abaci”. Les Nombre Fibonacci apparaissent aussi dans le triangle de  Pascal.

Mais comment les nombres fibonacci sont-ils liés  à planète Terre ? Toutes les pétales, les fleurs et les feuilles ont un nombre fibonacci. Par exemple, si on compte les rayures sur une ananas, on trouve soit 8, 13, ou 21.Aussi sur les feuilles.Mais pourquoi les plantes ont tous un nombre fibonacci? Le nombre φ(phi) (1.618033988749895...) est la reponse. Tous le plantes ont besoin d’une certaine quantité de soleil.Si on mesure les angles entre deux choux sur un chou de bruxelles on trouve que les angles sont égaux à φ.C’est  parce que tous les angles qui correspondent au φ ne se croisent jamais (fig. 1) donc tous les choux peuvent avoir leur propre dosage de soleil.

Les plantes ne sont pas les seuls objets qui utilisent les nombres Fibonacci.Les nombres Fibonacci sont aussi utilisés dans les structures construites par l'homme, meme les structures qui datent avant le temps d’ Euclide (voir fig. 2).

Le Parthénon — en grec ancien Παρθενών / Parthenṓn est une exemple de ce type de construction.Il était construit avec des rectangles parfait- pas par accident- mais parce que le rectangle parfait est le rectangle qui est agréable à l'œil.

En resumé, les nombres Fibonnacci sont des nombres qui apparaissent partout dans le monde, dans toutes les places, dans toutes nos vies, tout le temps.

The Thirty-Nine Steps

The Thirty-Nine Steps by JOHN BUCHAM is one of the very first thrillers published.
It was first published in 1915.
The point of the novel was to reassure its readers that the war (world war 1)could be won by the British.

In this novel Richard Hannay is warned by an American spy named Scudder that the Greek Premier was going to be assassinated by the Germans to start a war. Later,Scudder died, leaving his mission to stop the assassination to Richard.  Richard traveled throughout England to stop the assassination. As well as being chased by German spies, he was chased by the police because he was suspected of the murder of Scudder. Needles to say, this story should be enjoyed by all.
It is continued by 4 others:
  • Greenmantle (1916)
  • Mr Standfast (1919)
  • The Three Hostages (1924)
  • The Island of Sheep (1936).
  • This book is a excellent thriller because it keeps it's readers fascinated. What separates it from the other books of its time is the fact that it was the only book written to reassure as opposed to a book that is written to make people nervous. I particularly enjoyed this book because the mission of the hero changed unexpectedly halfway through the book.
    It should take about 1-1.5 hours to read. I would recommend this story to people of  8+ (it does have some gory details and some advanced vocab as well as a plot that can become confusing.) I would recommend that you save this book for a car trip as it will entice you and you won't have to spend your time counting cows and sheep.(Not that I have anything against counting animals as a matter of a fact I think that it is a very good thing to count them: it opens your personal creativity and lets you think for a while, but counting farm animals should be reserved for after your bedtime.)

    Living in Paris

    Most people think that living in Paris is easy as Pie. And they are right. Except for the fact that pie is easy. Which is wrong. Pie is hard...Very hard. In fact, unless you are very gifted in pie-making, pie is almost impossible to make. You might be able to make something which has a crust and a filling , but it isn't pie!!!. Pie is perfect. My "pie" is nothing more than a pie-flavored dessert. Let me explain. To live as a kid in Paris you must follow a specific set of rules(the recipe) which is almost impossible to follow and make it come out right unless you have a gift.
    The rules are as follows:

    1)Getting good grades is very... good

    2)Getting really good grades is bad... It singles you out, makes you "The Kid" or "The one who is too smart to be fun"

    3)You must not stare at the people who are smoking in the corner of the courtyard  no matter what you think about how disgusting it is to smoke... THEY ARE YOUR SUPERIORS

    4)It is good to make obscene hand gestures at the teachers backs.

    5)No matter what you think... All of the things you think are bad are good things to talk about

    6)If you aren't good at soccer you're a nerd. Period. You can obey all of these rules and that will change nothing. You are stuck in an eternal nerdship. FOREVER.


    You just act yourself. Meditate on how much smarter you are than the people making fun of you. Be nice to everyone especially the ones who are singled out like you. They are your friends. They are the ones who will invite you over, protect you from the people smoking in the corners, make up for your lack of French. They are, truly,  nice people.

    Another thing you have to take into account is that the teachers are your friends. Say "Merci" after each lesson, take your time to be nice, don't sleep in their class: participate. They will be nice to you, they might  even give you chocolate!!!