Tuesday, March 12, 2013


The first question we must ask ourselves when discussing technology is: What is technology? Or, more importantly, what is "Modern Technology"? Anybody can go ahead and say "Grunt make fiwah. Grunt make technawlogy", but in our modern eyes, technology is stuff such as, say, the Iphone 5. Now, we can make a scale from 1-20 for technology(1 being the worst and 20 being the best.) Modern technology can be used in a positive fashion (such as a calculator which rates as a 20), but it can also be used in an extremely negative fashion such as drones. Drones were once called radio controlled model airplanes and were a lot of fun to use. Now drones are, in theory, just a tool used by the government to eliminate danger. In the world that calls itself REALITY they are ruthless tools used to annihilate the population of the world. They are the very limits of our scale. What I mean by that is that they are the (most assuredly) worst part of technology. For example we have our president and his trigger happiness on the drones joystick. "Die person Dieeeee!" There are so many people that have died due to drones, the Government won't even say how many!

But...There is always a good side. Technology can do all sorts of things. Technology can make Pie! We can calculate all sorts of mathish things! YOU CAN SEE THIS!!!!!!!!

But in my opinion, the bad outweighs the good. Although it is possible for you to read this, most people are stuck on their computers, or their tablets, or their phones, or their somethings, and they probably can't remember the last time they went outside just to have fun. They should go outside, ride their bike, even walk down the street, just to enjoy the world.

We could get rid of all technology....

But if we got rid of all technology, we would be stuck somewhere in a cave, going "Grunt. Me cold." So as you can plainly see, that is not a solution. But what is? Trying to enjoy the world, not on a screen, but in REALITY.

My Thanks to +Eric Schultz for the idea of this post. Be sure to check out his blog The Occasional CEO


  1. Thanks for the props, Alex! Great blog!!

    If I am a drone salesman and you operate a big ski mountain, and I sell you a drone with a camera so you can find skiers who are lost, does that make it a "good technology"? How about if I sell a bunch of drones to the Coast Guard and they use them to search at sea without having to put pilots in danger? Maybe some of my friends would say, "Drones don't kill people. People with drones kill people."

    When Joseph Nobel invented dynamite was it a good or bad technology? (All he wanted to do was make a safe explosive to help miners.) If a lonely, elderly shut-in loves TV because it keeps him company all day, but a young person sits in front of it all day and becomes a couch potato, is it a good or bad technology?

    Whoa. Now my head is spinning.

  2. Good or bad technology doesn't really exist, its how we use it that matters.

  3. I agree with you, except for the Borg on Star Trek!
